Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Real Salary


I was wondering whether we were getting worse off over time at my employer and so plotted my real and nominal pre-tax salary for the time I have been in my current position. Halfway along there was a blip where I was department head and got paid more. In real terms I am now about $2000 below where I started in 2011. The union is asking for a 15% increase in the latest bargaining round. After tax that is a about an 11% increase (because of progressive tax rates).

2 comments: said...

I used to track my salary vs cpi and AWOTE but lost the spreadsheet about ten years ago and couldn't be bothered trying to recreate the old data. I think I've had a salary "increase" of about 10% over the past 10-15 years, which is less than cpi (so a real wage cut) and substantially lower than AWOTE.

mOOm said...

The salary numbers were in my superannuation spreadsheet and then you can just download the CPI. I did this after I realised how low pay increases had been at my wife's employer - I didn't have all her salary data but could reconstruct the gaps using her employer superannuation contributions.