Saturday, September 09, 2023

Why I Haven't Posted a Monthly Report Recently

I haven't posted monthly reports for July or August. The reason is that the July accounts have an error of more than AUD 12k and I don't have the time or inclination to try to reconcile them at the moment. Probably this will have to wait till later in the year when my teaching is over. I focus all my teaching in the second semester so I am really busy. And I am also working on my new hobby of genealogy research, since December last year. Probably I will eventually make a post for the second half of the year as a whole with monthly investment performance figures. There is also an error of more than AUD 8k that cropped up now in the December 2022 accounts, which wasn't there before. Possibly they are related...

Anyway,  in AUD terms July is currently at 2.18% (compared to our target portfolio of 1.77%. ASX200 = 2.89%) or 3.18% in USD terms (HFRI = 1.75%, MSCI = 3.45%). So not bad.

August is at 0.05% (ASX = -0.44%, target = 0.90%). In USD terms though it was a fall of 3.62%. Stock markets were down but not that bad...


After writing this post I realised what might be wrong with December 2022 and fixed that and June 2023. But July 2023 still has a 12,000 dollar error...