We are still waiting for the Aura venture funds to report, but I am guessing their values will be unchanged. So, now we can compute reasonably accurate annual accounts. All $ signs in this report indicate Australian Dollars. I'll do a separate report on individual investments. I do a report breaking down spending after the end of the financial year. I'll probably do another report on our SMSF performance then.
Investment returns were positive and net worth again increased. We did a lot better than in 2023. This was a direct result of my dis-satisfaction with the 2023 result and my determination to do better. We came in way ahead of the best case net worth projection I made in the 2023 report of $6.7 million with an end of year total of $7.4 million. We took a vacation in Maroochydore, Queensland in July and in December we travelled overseas for the first time since before the pandemic to China and Thailand. I did some short business trips to Sydney during the year as well. My 60th birthday was in December and I started a transition to retirement pension in that month.
Investment Return
In Australian Dollar terms we gained 23.1% for the year while in USD terms we gained 12.1%. The big gap is because the Australian Dollar fell. The MSCI gained 18.0% and the S&P 500 25.0% in USD terms while the ASX 200 gained 13.2% in AUD terms. The HFRI hedge fund index gained 9.6% in USD terms. Our target portfolio gained 19.2% in AUD terms. The new Vanguard 60/40 AUD benchmark only returned 12.4%. So, we under-performed the US Dollar stock indices but outperformed the other benchmarks.Investment Allocation
There were significant changes in asset allocation over the year:
Here are our annual accounts in Australian Dollars:
We earned $208k after tax in salary etc. Total non-investment earnings including retirement contributions were $240k, up 14% on 2022. I'm quite surprised by that increase! Part of it seems to be from timing of payments as well as larger tax refunds.
Taxes on superannuation returns are just estimated because, though we know the tax paid by the SMSF, our employer superannuation funds only report after tax returns. I estimate this tax to make retirement and non-retirement investment returns comparable. The total estimated tax on superannuation was $20k. Net worth of retirement accounts increased by $600k after the transfer from current savings. With the gain in the value of our house, total net worth increased by $1.228M.
Last year my best case scenario for 2024 was for an increase in net worth of $500k to $6.7 million. We actually reached $7.4 million. For this year, my base case scenario is simply a 10% increase in net worth to $8.2 million. The bear case is for a 10% decline to $6.7 million. In 2022, our net worth only fell by 0.7%, so this is very bearish. What about the best case scenario? This is going to seem crazy but I project double the percentage increase of 2024 for a net worth of $10 million. Told you it was crazy.Notes to the Accounts
Current account includes everything that is not related to retirement accounts and housing account income and spending. Then the other two are fairly self-explanatory. However, property taxes etc. are included in the current account. Since we notionally converted the mortgage to an investment loan, mortgage interest is counted in current investment costs. So, the only item in the housing account now is increases or decreases in the value of our house. This simplified the accounts a lot but I still keep a lot of cells in the spreadsheet that might again be used in the future.