The numbers are mostly in now. As usual, everything is expressed in US Dollars unless indicated. February managed to squeeze in three pay checks and so "other income" which is mainly salary is particularly high. But we actually got less retirement contributions credited and so that number is a little lower than normal. Investment income was also good with about a 1/3 from the gain in the Australian Dollar, again near record highs. above $US1.07. Expenditure was on the high end above $5k. Partly due to car registration ($A959...) and spending on an upcoming trip ($A741). Also, Snork Maiden applied for Australian citizenship ($A260). Net worth increased $38k ($A26) to $624k ($A579k). Both all time highs.
Investment returns were 3.67% in USD terms compared to 5.08% for the MSCI World Index and 4.32% for the S&P 500. The Australian stock market languished in relative terms. And due to the gain in the Aussie Dollar investment returns were only 1.95% in AUD terms. As a result our allocation to Australian stocks fell... well allocation to everything except cash fell. Our cash allocation is now 14.3% of net worth. Up from 4.7% in January.
For a few more details you can check me out on NetWorthIQ.