May's accounts in US Dollars:

Spending this month was pretty average at $4,475. There weren't any unusual expenditures. Foreign exchange losses ($35k) were almost as big as actual underlying losses ($38k). Current other income was higher than normal due to refunds of last month's business expenses of about $3k and a small consulting type fee received. Retirement contributions were also higher than normal as each of us got three retirement contributions added to our accounts this month rather than the usual two. There is a contribution every 2 weeks as our salaries are paid every two weeks as is the norm in Australia. So some months there is a third salary and contribution.
Net worth fell by $56k to $584k. In Australian Dollar terms the loss was only $A14k to a record $A601k.
Our cash allocation is now 18.48% of net worth. Up from 16.81% in February. The house fund account stands at almost $A100k.
For a few more details you can check me out on NetWorthIQ.