Thursday, October 26, 2006

Nationwide Retirement Score

I just did the online retirement preparedness quiz. Like most such questionaires it didn't ask the big question about inheritance. Do people think that that is inappropriate, or too uncertain, or make people feel put off by feelings of envy for those with large inheritances, or the providers just want to minimize people's assets so that they save more with the provider in question?

I don't think it asked about assets such as businesses either. Very much designed for the middle-class employee...

I scored 125. What is your score?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The R-score is a big joke to me. I rated a 103. Direct comparision to a 102 46 years old, married, 150k a year, soc sec, pension no, over 600k in investments vs. his over 300k in house equity. They rate him a 102. No questions on how much contributing to 401k or IRA each year. And since I would probably cut back on spending during retiement, I don't think that is calculated either.