Friday, May 21, 2010

Booked Europe Trip

Today we booked at paid for our flights to Europe and Israel. We'll also be staying in Thailand for a couple of nights. Hopefully, conditions will be more stable by the time we travel. It's our first trip overseas for a couple of years and is crazily long. Cost came in at just under $A6,000. That's just the flights. We should be able to recover at least half the costs - my trip to Europe will be refunded by the people I am going to work for in Sweden and maybe Snork Maiden can get something if her paper is accepted at a conference.

We don't only need good luck in Thailand but also Iceland :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Conference travel is one the best ways to take a vacation. Just get a paper accepted and then usually you can get flights and hotel covered. Extend the flight a few days and you have a nice vacation (or skip out on the boring sessions).

I've actually chosen which conferences to send a paper to based on what location I wanted to see :>