Saturday, January 18, 2025

Went Over the Transfer Balance Cap

Intramonth, I've blasted through the transfer balance cap. This is the limit of AUD 1.9 million that you can transfer from an Australian superannuation account into a tax free pension when you retire or reach 65 years old. I'm now nearer AUD 2 million. The important thing is that when you exceed this limit you can no longer make "non-concessional" (post-tax) contributions to superannuation. However, I can continue to make recontributions to superannuation from my transition to retirement pension until the end of June this year. This is because this rule depends on your balance at the beginning of the current financial year, which in Australia starts at the beginning of July. But if I do stay over the AUD 1.9 million level on 30 June this year, I won't be able to make non-concessional contributions to my account next financial year. Instead, I will make them to Moominmama's account.

P.S. 20 January

The Australian is reporting today that the transfer balance cap is likely to be raised to AUD 2 million next July.

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