Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Integrated Portfolio Solutions Acquired

Back in 2021, I co-invested alongside Aura AUD 100k in Integrated Portfolio Solutions, a private company. At the time, I thought there wasn't a lot of downside risk as an acquirer would be willing to pay to obtain the client accounts they were advising. The company didn't manage to execute on the expansion plans that they touted at the time. In the wealth management/advisory/platform business there are economies of scale needed to achieve profitability. Today it was announced that the company is being acquired for roughly the value at the point when we invested. Various closing costs are going to result in about an 8% loss. Part of the consideration for the acquisition is going to be in terms of equity of the acquirer, DASH Technology Group, but now my position will be a much more reasonable amount for an investment in a non-profitable private company. I feel lucky I didn't lose more!

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