I'm beginning to make contacts and explore career options. In the short-term I want to stay here in Canberra, which somewhat limits options. But it is a good location for my long-term career goals and there may be also online money-making opportunities in the meantime. One idea I'm exploring is editing academic papers for authors who are not native English speakers. I have plenty of experience with this - I've continued as the associate editor of an academic journal since leaving my former academic position in the U.S. - and would play the role of a subject expert more than a copy-editor. The other track is meeting people in my academic field and discussing the opportunities here to work in research and/or teaching. I should have a better idea of what I might be doing by the end of this month and whether I need to move onto something else, perhaps in the public service.
Would you be planning to edit as a freelancer, or would you sign on full time?
It would just be freelance assignments from that firm while I try to redevelop my academic career.
I guess you must be in publishing/editing too? For some reason I always thought you were in some kind of fundraising job but now publishing makes more sense.
You're right, how did you know?
It just makes sense given your interest in NYC and other facts and that you expressed an interest in this theme.
I thought then that I know who you work for but their office isn't in your area... So I was wrong about that.
I'd be pretty surprised if you knew the company because it's rather niche, but I hope that I was easily read through because you've been in the field yourself. I've actually been exploring freelance copyediting options to augment or replace the fulltime position, keep us updated on how it works out for you!
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