Saturday, February 01, 2025

Performance of Individual Investments 2024

This post breaks down the investment returns for 2024 at a very granular level. Other costs and benefits like interest and fees and exchange rate gains and losses are not included here. I also don't go down to the level of the very small individual investments inside the Masterworks and Unpopular Ventures boxes. All numbers are in Australian Dollars.

The grey shaded investments are ones we no longer hold (some were short term trades or investments). The numbers in yellow are total wins and losses and in green the total investments return. Last year's results are here. Some of the same investments were again major winners this year: 3i (III.L), gold, Unisuper, and PSSAP. Pershing Square Holdings (PSH.L) moved down the league table a bit this year. There are two newcomers in the top three: Defi Technologies (DEFI.NE) and Bitcoin. Gold also returned nearly three times the amount it did in 2023. These pushed 3i down from the top spot to fourth place.

Some of the same investments were again losers this year. On the other hand, the Cadence funds, Regal Partners, Aura VF2, and APSEC moved from losing last year to gaining more than $10k this year.

The top investments are mostly our biggest. 3i is relatively small though at 4% of the portfolio and our Pershing Square position is slightly bigger than our Defi Technologies position but did not perform as well this year.

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