Sunday, February 16, 2025

Investments Review: 2025 Edition

I have been closing some investments that I wasn't happy with, but it's several years since I systematically reviewed my investments. Currently, we "only" have around 30 investments if we bundle micro-investments with Unpopular Ventures and Masterworks into two single investments. But it could still be too many. This time I want to look at things in a different way. Instead of looking at asset classes, I will look at investments based on their maturity.

A mature investment has total profit that is greater than the net cash invested. This could be because either it has been super-successful or because we have pulled out part or all of our original investment. The remaining investments are either profitable or unprofitable. It looks like we have 12-13 investments in each of the mature and profitable baskets and 6 in the unprofitable basket. I think I'll start with the unprofitable basket as it is easiest to deal with.

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