Thursday, May 24, 2007


Yes it (SPX) failed for a third day in a row to close at a record high after trading higher intraday. The model switched to short in the early afternoon after Greenspan's comments about China likely to see a substantial stockmarket correction seemed to catalyse the downward move in the US indices and the stochastic fell below 80. I'm now back to positive for the month on trading even thought he model is still seeing its first negative month in a long time and some idiotic trades I made earlier in the month. This is fun if I can keep it up. I doubt this is the beginning of a major decline in the market as yet, because the model is still in the persistent overbought state which means that down moves are likely to be short-lived.

My current trading position is:

Short 3 NQ contracts
Short 1000 QQQQ shares
Long 3 SPY 157 June Puts
Short 100 IYR

In other words the notional underlying value is short just over $200k of stock.

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