Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Net Worth in Australia

An interesting article about net worth levels in Australia. In the US median net worth is around $US93000. Recently I read in the New York Times that US mean net worth was just above $US400k. The mean net worth in Aus according to this article is similar ($US351k), while the median is more than twice as much ($US225k). However, the Australian study includes the value of cars and household contents in net worth which the US data does not - a comparable median figure is probably around $US175k. Official statistics typically place Australia with income per capita of around 80% US levels and around the same level of inequality in terms of income. These data indicate less inequality of wealth in Australia than in the US. I have seen median net worth statistics for Sweden and the UK which were much lower than the US median. Is the typical Australian the wealthiest citizen in the World? A comprehensive international comparison would be very interesting.

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