Monday, June 17, 2024

Getting a Bit Crazy

Crazy to see an investment up by more in a day than any of my investments have been up in a month before in terms of dollars.... So far it is up about four times this month what any individual investment has done before. Of course, no guarantee that this will hold, so thought I'd post while it lasts. If you are puzzled, then you haven't read my recent posts. Let's see where we're at a the end of the month.

No, it's not bitcoin, which has been doing nothing. Still I saw this really nice chart of bitcoin's price path to date:

The x-axis is log days since the inception of Bitcoin, while the y-axis is the log price. With this transformation, bitcoin has followed a linear path. Yes, the growth rate has slowed over time, but now we see that it hasn't been an arbitrary rate of slowing. This is called the Bitcoin Power Law Theory. Of course, this is based on econophysics and might not continue to hold in the future.


After being up 25% in European trade we closed up "only" 6% in North American trade.

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