The finance person in my former department told me yesterday they want my laptop back (not sure what they plan on doing with a Mac laptop in a PC oriented place - though I have one former colleague who is another big machead who maybe could use it - the forward cursor key doesn't work but otherwise it is a fairly new computer). So I went to buy a computer at the Apple Store at our huge regional mall last night. Cost $2159 including tax the base model MacBook Pro. You can buy one of those white plastic Mac "consumer" laptops with a smaller screen for not much more than half this price. But the MacBook is the most beautiful computer ever built I think and I was using one up till now. If I bought the cheaper model I would be annoyed every time looking at the thing that I didn't get the MacBook Pro :) Besides, for trading, the bigger the screen the better. Maybe I can deduct it as an investment expense in my Australian taxes next year?
I signed up for Google Analytics. This is the first time that I have any analytic capability on my website beyond the Clustermaps application. Expect some geeky reports coming up!
Obviously I was right to close all remaining shorts yesterday morning. The strength of the rally switched the model to long. This is my current Elliott-Wave scenario:

There is a lot more upside coming if this is correct.
Elliot Wave - hahahaha
u tool
Iz u drunk or sumfing?
You can claim depreciation of the PC (but not a straight deduction) on your Aussie taxes - although there's probably some horrendously complex pro-rata required based on the date you return to Australia for the purposes of being a tax resident, and another pro-rata of the annual depreciation based on the date you purchased the computer.
BTW - the best looking PC ever was my Sinclair QL - just compare it to the amiga, commodore and IBM XT that were out at that time.
Yeah I know there is a dollar limit to straight deductibility. I used to kep a spredsheet with all those depreciation deductions when the limit was just $A300 (seems is still is?). I remember there was some road project in Melbourne where they made sure that items bought all cost less than the limit in order to make them immediately deductible. So silly. Anyway, at the moment I am keeping a spreadsheet with all the background information for next year's Aus tax return and then next year I'll read up on everything. We still need to do 2007 US (and New York and Vermont) tax returns before then :) I'm going to Australia in two weeks time so I am treating this computer as if I bought it in Australia.
Being from Britain. I remember Sinclair computers. I guess it scores on simplicity :)
Hmmm... I suppose the only good thing you can say about a Mac is the design.
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